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Do You Know Your Energy Supplier?

Monday, April 29, 2019

Do You Know Your Energy Supplier?

Energy bills can be tricky to understand. In deregulated states like Ohio, where energy consumers have the power to choose their energy supplier, many will frequently ask, “How do I know who my energy supplier is?” Here’s how to break down your electricity and gas bills to identify your energy supplier.

Understanding Your Electricity Bill

When you receive your electricity bill, you’ll see charges from your utility company (The Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison or American Electric Power) and your energy supplier. Your energy supplier will be listed in the section titled, “Charges From Electric Generation Supplier.” Underneath, you’ll see your energy supplier, which will be listed as NOPEC NextEra Energy Services, so long as you’re a customer in a NOPEC member community. NextEra Energy Services Ohio is the electric aggregation supplier NOPEC has chosen to serve our electric customers.

Understanding Your Gas Bill

If you receive your gas bill from Columbia Gas of Ohio, your energy supplier will be listed under the “Detail Charges” section. Look for “Supply – NextEra Energy Services (NOPEC),” if you live in a NOPEC member community. NextEra Energy Services Ohio is the natural gas aggregation supplier NOPEC has chosen to serve our electric customers. The supply charges will then be listed underneath, following “gas supply cost of…”

If you receive your gas bill from Dominion East Ohio, you can find the supply charges under the utility charges. The utility charges will come from Dominion Energy Ohio. If you live in a NOPEC community, the natural gas supplier will then be listed as “Nopec – NextEra Energy Services Charges.” The supply charges will be listed underneath as the “Gas Cost.”

Choose Your Energy Supplier

Ohio is a deregulated state, meaning residential customers can choose their natural gas and electricity supplier. NOPEC is Ohio’s largest nonprofit energy aggregation, providing Ohio residents with competitive natural gas and electricity rates by negotiating better terms with energy suppliers, advocating for consumer-friendly legislation, and teaching its customers to live more energy efficiently. NOPEC has saved Ohio residents and small businesses hundreds of millions of dollars on their energy costs.

If you live in a NOPEC community, you can find a pricing rate that works best for you by opting in online or by calling the NOPEC customer care line at 855-667-3201 (855-NOPEC01).

Not yet a NOPEC community? Start the process to becoming a NOPEC community today.